Posts Tagged ‘scratch’

Car Scratch Repair

October 28, 2012

The damage on this bumper corner was caused by another driver reversing out of a tight car parking spot. As you can see the damage is located around the rear off side corner around the wheel arch section. This customer contacted us via email from which he sent us some photos for an estimate, the price we gave was more than agreeable so we booked him in a date and time for the repair.

Car scratch repairs in the rain

The day we arrived the weather was not on our side from the start, it was raining quite hard and the customer had no cover for us to work in, so we had to use our portable shelter. It only took a couple of minutes to erect and gave us complete protection around the area that we were intending to fix.

Car scratch damageCar scratch repair on rear off side bumper corner

The repair took us an hour and a half to fully complete and is waterproof straight away, which was handy for the rain had not stopped and was set to continue for the rest of the day. The customer was very impressed with the service and the final result. All our repairs are fully guaranteed which gave the customer that little extra piece of mind when selecting our mobile car scratch repair service.

If you have a car scratch or any other form of body work damage you would like fixed then send us a photo at or fill out our car body repair form or give us a call 0800 0778832 for more information.

Scratch Prevention

July 16, 2012

There are numerous ways in which you can get a scratch on your car, from branches and moving objects to intentional vandalism. Scratches are unsightly and can be costly to repair, so trying to prevent the scratch from happening in the first place is key to saving you money and keeping up your cars appearance. There are different techniques that can be used to prevent a scratch, but vary to the type of scratch you are trying to prevent. The top four scratch preventative techniques are listed below.

  1. Light scratches can be found around handles and are caused by finger nails and key rings. The best way to stop these from appearing is to take care when opening your car door, try not to let your keys/keying dangle while you use the handle and fold your fingers in tight so your nails don’t scratch the paintwork in the cavity. These scratches are light so if you do manage to get them they can be easily removed (depending upon the severity) with the use of cutting compounds and polish.
  2. Intentional scratches that are caused by vandals can be difficult to prevent for they can occur at any time on anybody panel, all you can do is reduce the chance of them happening. Park in well lit areas if possible and near CCTV cameras, keep out of areas that are well known for vandals and always use your garage or driveway if you have them. If you get a vandal scratch it will cost a fair amount to repair by a scratch repair service.
  3. Bumper scratches that are self inflicted can be easily prevented by fitting sensors to the front and rear bumpers. These will give you plenty of warning before you are anywhere near an object, they might be expensive to fit but are well worth it for what you will spend on the fitting you will more than save on the potential repairs.
  4. Most scratches on cars are caused by parking in tight spots or busy areas where people are constantly moving past your car. To solve this park further away, it might mean that you walk further to your destination but you will reduce the chance of scratches in the process.

Prevent Scratches

The preventative measures set out above if used correctly will reduce the possibility of you getting any form of scratch on most body panels, and therefore saving you money on their repairs.